User Info for Individual Instrument
EMF is operated in two modes, staff and user operations. To ensure the data quality and minimize the downtime for our heavily used and high skills needed instruments, the instruments are operated by the EMF staff members only. Usually, the users prepare their samples and standards first in their labs following EMF's instructions for the individual instrument. Then, the user reserves the time online at the EMF website and brings the samples and standard solutions over in the morning of the day reserved. The staff member will take care of the rest and post the data online after the analysis. Please note that the turnaround time could be up to 24 hrs.
For user operating instruments, the users will get training for the instrument from the EMF staff members and then reserve the time online accordingly. During the first couple of uses, the staff member might be with the users to ensure the operation and provide more help. Then, the trained users can reserve the time online and come to the lab for the analysis they need. The EMF staff is always available for support if users have questions.
Solution Calculator (your device needs to be on Stanford Network or VPN)