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Faculty Director:  Scott Fendorf 

Research Associates:

NamePhone NumberOffice Location% Time @CenterPrimary Instruments
Guangchao Li(510) 996-8007Green 32975ICP-OES, ICP-MS, IC, Microwave Digester, EA
Taylor Broek(415) 847-4258Green 329100DA, EA, TOC/TN, GC, PSA, Freeze Dryer
Juan Lezama Pacheco(650) 283- 7352Green 329100XRF, XRD, XAS

For instrument support please contact the primary person for the specific instrument first. If that person is not available, contact other staff members.

Environmental Measurements Facility (EMF)
Green Earth Sciences Building
Rooms 342/352/354
367 Panama Street 
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-2115

Phone: (650) 724-3220
Fax: (650) 725-2199