Faculty Director: Scott Fendorf Research Associates: Name | Phone Number | Office Location | % Time @Center | Primary Instruments | Guangchao Li | (510) 996-8007 | Green 329 | 75 | ICP-OES, ICP-MS, IC, Microwave Digester, EA | Taylor Broek | (415) 847-4258 | Green 329 | 100 | DA, EA, TOC/TN, GC, PSA, Freeze Dryer | Juan Lezama Pacheco | (650) 283- 7352 | Green 329 | 100 | XRF, XRD, XAS |
For instrument support please contact the primary person for the specific instrument first. If that person is not available, contact other staff members. Address: Environmental Measurements Facility (EMF) Green Earth Sciences Building Rooms 342/352/354 367 Panama Street Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-2115 Phone: (650) 724-3220 Fax: (650) 725-2199 |